Monday, May 28, 2012

lines....from core of somebody's heart

lines ....from core of somebody's Heart..

From the moment we first met there was something I felt a pinch in my heart that day, I promise to myself you, only you that I shall keep.

I did things just to be closer for us to become lovers. I have thrown my pride in the name of love. I chose to be by your side.

through the years I tried to keep what we have. I kept on holding on so tight through hardships, against all odds all for us, I already did.
instead you despised me talking behind my back even to my closest friends that’s what you have done you made me soak in pain.

I began to hate life, created a world so dark, I became the bitter one, I chose to be alone and embraced loneliness

why did you hurt me so bad?all I ever wanted was to be loved. Why did you stab me in the back? and tell me, you want me back..!!

leave now, please let me find my old self keep those empty promises in your pocket.

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About Me

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I am a simple girl...who wanna live her life ..just the way she thinks.. I hate to follow others... I take trifles ... I take quarrels ..but all of its limited up to my heart's boundaries.. I don't talk too much. I don’t know too much. I don't want to get too much. I just wanna get lost too much in this crowd.. I am against you...I am against to this society...I am standing against all of the unethical issues…I am against our customs but I am in the favor of novelty.. I don’t believe in God. I don’t believe in any other creature …I just believe in my self and my self only. This world is beautiful..and just once we get it….so invest it in great missions, but please dont waste it in useless,mortal doings. As I said that we get life once only….so I am requesting you..that please try to make yore life immortal ….and the only thing which makes one immortal..its their thought…so try hard to have purity and nobility in your doings and in your thoughts.
